I. Introduction
The emergence of COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way people teach and learn worldwide. The entire educational sector has been facing a multitude of barriers [1] as the tertiary education system in many countries was not prepared to move their activities to the online mode [2]. In many countries the educational system, from elementary to tertiary level, has collapsed [3] as it was based on the presence of teachers in classroom [4]. Besides, due to the severe lockdown imposed for many nations, universities worldwide were obliged to shift their face-to-face activities to online education mode. As a result, it was found out that several academics were not prepared to conduct online classes. ‘Shifting to online instruction in a short span of time has posed many challenges to higher academic institutions, one of which is the lack of professional skills in offering online education’ [5]. This was confirmed by Bishop-Monroe et al. [11] who state that ‘this global pandemic revealed how unprepared faculty and doctoral students were to teach online’.