The performance of digital and mixed circuits is affected and limited by the simultaneous switching power and ground noise. This kind of noise is related to interconnecti...Show MoreMetadata
The performance of digital and mixed circuits is affected and limited by the simultaneous switching power and ground noise. This kind of noise is related to interconnections and packaging. The latter two factors play a major role in high-speed-circuit design and may become a dominant factor limiting the performance of future ULSI components. As a result, it is imperative to understand and to master the problems and subtleties arising from interconnections and packaging. Among these problems, that of simultaneous switching noise is taking on more and more importance as circuits become faster and their I/O pin count increases. This paper reviews the state of current research regarding how to analyze, estimate and reduce simultaneous switching noise.
Published in: Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering ( Volume: 21, Issue: 4, October 1996)