I. Introduction
Management of waste bins in highly populated areas is a big challenge to the Government authorities due to lack of public awareness and unhygienic practices of local occupants. With the upsurge of COVID in last two years monitoring the solid waste disposal is a prime concern of the municipal corporations. Traditionally, authority workers came to collect the solid waste from the bins placed in residential and commercial areas and monitoring of level of waste in these bins were completely manual and bear high cost of maintenance. Now, with the knock of the IoT-enabled technologies it is convenient to achieve a sustainable environmental balance. A UN report says that 55% of the total world population resides in urban areas and its likely to reach around 70% by 2050 [1]. Same is the case in all developing countries specially those having a high population index. A systemized IoT enabled waste-bin management system would aid such dense urban areas to improvise their solid-waste management approach and maintain a healthy environment in their locality [2]. In this paper we have proposed a model of waste bin management using IoT that will aid the municipal corporations to smartly manage the garbage collection in densely populated areas, especially in developing countries like India. IoT system depends on smart sensors, efficient communication protocols and web applications [3]. Smart sensor-enabled devices connect to the network and gather information that is the backbone of smart homes and smart cities [4]. Human produce a lot of solid waste that need to be collected and disposed regularly in order to maintain a healthy environment free from vector-borne diseases. Urban areas pull out about 2 billion tons of solid waste per year and 33% of that is not biodegradable. This waste is expected to cross around 3.5 billion by 2050 globally [5].