I. Introduction
Owing to the robust ferroelectricity uncovered in HfO2-based high-k transition metal oxide, the nonvolatile ferroelectric memory is entering an unprecedented period of rapid development [1], [2]. Due to its anisotropic crystal structure and the existence of the so-called spacer, the polarization switching process of Hf02 is reported to be different from that of the conventional perovskite-based ferroelectrics [3]. The polarization switching kinetics can be used to predict the switching process and the switching uniformity. The classical Kolmogorov-Avrami-Ishibashi (KAI) model, which accurately describes the switching kinetics of perovskite-based single crystal, fails to reach consistency with the kinetics of HfO2-based ferroelectrics due to a constant definition of the switching time. At the same time, the nucleation limited switching (NLS) model considering a distribution of switching time is just suitable for Hf02-based ferroelectrics because of the intrinsic nature of polycrystal [4]. Recently, the switching kinetics of HfO2-based ferroelectrics were focused on the wake-up, the fatigue and the sub-loop behavior, which revealed regular distributions of switching time at different stages [5], [6]. Besides, the polycrystalline properties in Hf02-based thin films possibly result in abnormal switching kinetics at rather small electrode sizes and low temperatures. However, these limiting factors are not well discussed in detail.