I. Introduction
Endoscopy is the gold-standard technique for visualizing the gastrointestinal (GI) tract [1] internally, but requires experienced professionals for accurate diagnosis of diseases. Colonoscopy specifically is used to examine the lower GI tract which includes the path from rectum to whole of the large intestine. In 2017, iData Research carried out an analysis of endoscopic GI procedure which revealed that more than 19 million colonoscopies are done each year. This is a huge contribution to the 75 million endoscopies performed annually in the United States [2]. Although colonoscopy performed annually is large in numerical count even then the adenoma miss rate is projected to be 6-27% [3]. This miss rate can be possibly due to couple of reasons such as the adenoma may not be in the visual range or even if it was in the visual range, it was not detected by the examiner.