I. Introduction
Present days expenses of medical are raising, to reduce expenses of medical health, it is very much essential to go for technology related health monitoring and caring systems. Li-Fi is a wireless communication device, which is used for producing visible light communication for high speed wireless communication [1]. This method is as fast as 550MBPS (32GB per minute), this method is cost effective and reliable when compared with Wi-Fi technology. Heart attack will occur when there blockage in the circulation of blood and it is going to block the heart. The block in heart is occurred because of unhealthy lifestyle, that causes problems like indigestion, heartburn, abdominal pain and breathing problem in human life. The normal human heartbeat is about 65 to 75 BPM [2]. Depending upon their health, heartbeat of the person is going to vary. If the human heartbeat is more than 100 beats per minute then the person may have the chances of having heart attack. It is very difficult to save the life of human beings From heart attacks. Hence we are implementing a system that is going to detect heart attacks of the people by monitoring the heart beat based on the concept Internet of Things. [IOT] [4]. with the help of this new technology it is easy to recognize patient heartbeat and patient health even at home also. Patient monitoring through Wi-Fi is slower than (Light-Fidelity) Li-Fi and it is having decreasing bandwidth compared to Li-Fi. Reliability and mode of communication is excellent in Li-Fi with that of Wi-Fi. The transmission of signal through Wi-Fi channel is by Radio Frequency mode, there could be chance of these radio frequency waves may affect the living beings. A huge number of physical objects are given access to the internet with the help of a less power consuming Wi-Fi units, hence observing the method of Internet of Things which means interconnection of different “things” and which can able to integrate wireless sensor networks to the internet effectively [5]. An alternative approach to this method is through photo plethysmo graphic (PPG) technique preferred in various available oximeters.