1. Introduction
There is growing interest in the creation of high power (the GW level) sources operating in the terahertz (THz) and sub-THz frequency ranges. Such sources should be based on the use of relativistic electron beams and oversized microwave systems. However, there are several problems caused by the necessity of oversized electrodynamical systems. The need for this is caused by a few reasons, for example, the problem of microwave breakdown of powerful radiation inside the cavity, the problem of transverse retention of the relativistic high-current beam, ohmic heating of the walls of the cavity, etc. It is difficult to ensure selective excitation of a certain transverse mode in this situation. In this situation, the spectrum of transverse modes is very dense, and it becomes difficult to provide the selective excitation of a single chosen operating transverse mode by the electron beam, as well as to provide selective single-mode feedback in an oversized system [1–5].