I. Introduction
By enabling interconnection with the Internet, advantages of Internet of Things (IoT) with various kinds of things (such as smart phones, Vehicles, sensors, etc.) need reliable and secure connections to provide promising applications including e-health, intelligent transportation systems, smart home and smart city [1], [2]. In the perspective of live, work, and communication, IoT plays an important role to improve quality of experience. Unfortunately, IoT also causes an increasing challenge in term of its security with ubiquitous connected devices associated with our daily activities such as monitoring, recording and analyzing data [3], [4]. In fact, since the malicious attackers occupy the opportunities to manipulate the physical objects in IoT system which cause severe problems both the cyber world and cyber-physical world [5]–[7]. For instance, several situations such as unlock the doors or disable the braking and steering Systems are related to vulnerabilities found in connected cars or hackers. Therefore, it is necessary to address urgently these security threats and issues to reduce crucial concerns for IoT technologies.