I. Introduction
In recent years, with the increasing complexity of power grids, major blackouts worldwide have occurred from time to time [1]–[3]. The analysis of the blackouts data over the years shows that the power grid blackouts have self-organized criticality [4]-[5]. Self-organized criticality means that a complex system undergoes a long self-organized process and can evolve from a normal state to a critical state. In this state, a small local disturbance may be amplified by a mechanism wsimilar to the "Domino effect". It may extend to the entire system and eventually cause the system to collapse [6]. With the integration of large-scale wind farms, the uncertainty in power system has greatly increased. The randomness, intermittency and volatility of uncertain power sources such as wind power can be regarded as another driving factor in the evolution of the self-organized critical state. But the direction of this driving force is uncertain. Therefore, judging whether the state of the current system is close to the self-organized critical state is of great significance to the dispatching operation.