I. Introduction
The stage-use electric hoist is mainly used to lift various lamp stand props. In the process of lifting heavy objects, the electric hoist will shake and affect the stability of the hanging objects. The research on the suspension structure mainly includes the following steps, firstly, the shimmy motion state of the stage-use electric hoist suspension structure system is measured, secondly, structural modeling and vibration analysis are carried out. Reference [1] divided the movement mode of the suspension structure into translational movement and rotational movement, and proposed a method to measure the swing angle of the suspension structure’s translation and rotation by using an inclination sensor and a gyroscope, respectively. However, the application of gyroscope to measure the rotation has problems, such as integration error and time accumulation error. Image processing technology can also be used to measure the shimmy vibration of suspended structures [2 , 3] . The camera is used to collect the motion image of the suspension structure, a mark that can be identified is installed on the suspension structure, then use the computer to process the collected images to obtain the movement information of the suspended structure. But the light will greatly affect the accuracy of the measurement.