I. Introduction
Previous research has established that the strength of the relationship between a client and their therapist is a robust predictor of positive therapy outcomes [24], [29], [32]. Much of the current psychological literature on the client-therapist relationship pays particular attention to what is known as the working alliance. Although many variations on the definition of ‘working alliance’ can be found, there is a consensus on the central idea that the working alliance captures the collaborative aspect of the therapist-client relationship [3], [24]. Higher therapist-reported and especially client-reported ratings of the working alliance have been strongly associated with reduction of the client's symptoms and concerns [14], [23], [24], but also with other positive therapy outcomes such as reduced drug abuse and recidivism [30] and improved medication compliance [13]. Of particular note is the recognized relationship between the strength of the working alliance and client dropout [13], [27], [41]. Proactive detection is especially valuable in this case: by the time a client has decided to quit therapy, the time for potential intervention has already passed. Understanding the complexity of the therapist-client relationship is crucial for informed treatment decision-making.