1. Introduction
The Red Deer Algorithm (RDA) is a modern meta-heuristic search method that has evolutionary-based traits like survivability for the fittest, reproduction, the potential to create new solutions, and convergence toward optimal answers. As a herd of solutions usually follows the leader and supports its hunt for better solutions, it acts as a Swarm Intelligence algorithm. The RDA has been employed in a variety of scientific, business, and engineering applications. First proposed the RDA in 2016 [1]–[3], It was described as a novel algorithm based on Red Deer mating, please see Figure. 1 below. They used this pairing to create an optimization algorithm, which they then tested against a benchmark of multi-variable, high-complexity mathematical optimization problems. The results were promising, outperforming a number of well-known algorithms. The same authors utilized the method to improve traditional computer science algorithms like the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) and found that it outperformed dominant algorithms like the Genetic Algorithm. There are adaptive and modified variants of this algorithm just to help tackle difficult optimization issues, such as [4]–[6], and many others, which we will describe in the next parts. On the other hand, the GA is a well-established algorithm that has been around lonf time ago and its efficiency and capabilities were demonstrated in many applications that we will mention in the coming sections [7].