I. Introduction
Chirality is a property of asymmetry important in several branches of science. Human hands are perhaps the most universally recognized example of chirality: the left hand is a non-superimposable mirror image of the right hand. In electromagnetics, the chirality of electromagnetic waves is associated with their polarization. Polarization is the property that describes the orientation of the electric field vector. All electromagnetic waves can be decomposed as the sum of left- and right-handed circularly polarized waves. Each of them forms the helices of the corresponding handedness in space. Optical activity is the ability of chiral materials to rotate linear-polarized electromagnetic waves (light), measured by a polarimeter. Man-made metamaterials are also designed with optical activity [1] –[4] by forming resonant architectures nonsuperimposable on their own mirror image. Nevertheless, most known strongly chiral molecules lack symmetry, thus, intrinsically, they do not exhibit isotropic optical activity. Helices are one of the most famous structures with strong chirality [5]. In [6], an analytical synthesis was provided for twist polarizers and it suggests that the coupling between a pair of orthogonal canonical helices can rotate polarization by 90 degrees with high efficiency. The quest for a strongly chiral meta-molecule with intrinsic rotational symmetry remains an open area of research.