I. Introduction
The climate change phenomenon is menacing the existence of the world. Policymakers worldwide are busy trying to cope with this phenomenon by integrating a huge amount of renewable energy into their transmission grids. Current trends show that wind energy will play a crucial role in reducing the dependence on fossil fuels. According to [1], 23.7% of the total electricity worldwide comes from hydropower. In some countries like Germany, Denmark, and Spain, wind power market penetration is extremely high. Among the renewable energy resources, wind energy is one of the fastest-growing and the most widely used sources. With this increasing amount of wind energy being integrated into the traditional power system, Transmission System Operators (TSO) and Planners are facing several issues. These wind farms are, generally, located far away from the load centers and long transmission lines are needed to connect them to the existing transmission grid. Hence, the reactive power limitations issues arise [2].