I. Introduction
The year 2020 was a special case in the books of history as it came about with a pandemic. This pandemic was driven by a virus causing COVID-19 [1]. As an emergency measure to control it in the research period, a national lockdown was imposed by the government in collaboration with the health organizations [2]. This was a major blow to South Africa's economical structure as production and trade were restricted. This reflected on the unemployment curve rising sharply with up to 3 million citizens losing their employment within the first half of the year and a significant number getting salary cuts [3]. From research, very few families in South Africa have a saving in case of an emergency. The majority thrive on a hand to mouth basis [4]. Therefore, cutting the revenue received from formal employment means meant a drastic negative change in lifestyle in order to survive or an innovative way of living in order to adapt. In the normal day to day practical world that we live in, there are various responsibilities that humans need to take heed of such as health-care and financial support. Therefore priorities are required to manage the available resources. For instance, during the COVID-19 pandemic which came in as a surprise to the world, the government had to prioritize the welfare of the people over the economics of the country. It was therefore the responsibility of the relevantly skilled personnel to innovatively cushion the livelihood of the people. In the modern day, electricity is regarded the biggest driver of all auxiliary systems that aids people. However, faced with disorienting circumstances brought about by the pandemic psychologically creates room for negligent behavior which results in wastages [5].