I. Introduction
Evacuation models are used to investigate the safety conditions of a given building. Evacuation calculations are a large part of performance based analyses to asses the level of life safety in buildings. Models are created based on numbers of factors such as their availability, overarching methods to simulate occupants, purpose, structure type, perspective of building and occupants, algorithms which can analyze occupant behavior, and estimations of time required for occupants to traverse the path and advance to safety outside of the building [1]. Males and females are noted to behave differently in crisis situations, such as an evacuation scenario. This makes it important for evacuation modeling engineers to know the genders of occupants in an occupied area. With information of occupant gender, the evacuation modeling will be more accurate and the evacuation algorithm will be able to relay the optimal path for evacuation. In order to accurately predict the genders of people in a space, a system needs to be setup so to grant the ability to detect the genders of people [1] [2].