I. Introduction
The pandemic of Covid 19 has changed interactions in human life in the 21st century. To prevent the transmission of Covid 19, interacting must comply with Health protocols, including maintaining the social distancing, washing hands, wearing masks, and so on. This also has an impact on the interaction of the education and learning process. The learning process in schools is mostly carried out online to avoid the transmission of Covid 19. For this reason, all personnel, both teachers and education staff must master communication and information technology to carry out the learning process online. However, teachers still have not fully used communication technology in carrying out the learning process online. The research results from Wiyono et al (2021) showed that each teacher is less intensive in using online communication techniques in the teaching-learning interaction process. Likewise, in terms of the variety of communication media, it is still in the poor category [1]. Other research results from Wiyono et al (2019) also showed that school principals in communicating with parents and the community also do not use online communication techniques maximally [2]. Online communication techniques are felt to be less effective in establishing relationships with parents and the community. Whereas the success of education and learning is mostly determined by the communication applied by teachers and parents of students in the process of interaction between education and learning. One of the factors causing the lack of using online communication techniques is that mastery in applying communication and information technology is still relatively low. For that, it is necessary to study some of the factors causing it.