I. Introduction
The Internet-of-Things (IoT) is an emerging technology that facilitates auto-organized or intelligent entities, or any other virtual objects, including services, to be able to interoperate and act independently [1]–[5]. This is a major drive in the service domain that recently has become essential for supporting many types of service-based workflow interoperation. This statement is supported by a report in [6], which indicates that the economies in industrialized nations have become more service oriented. For example, organizations employ services as a fundamental element to modernize their business processes [7]–[12] as well as through distributed computing such as Grids and Cloud Computing [13]–[18], where the composition of services is a crucial part for collaboration [19]–[22]. Therefore, the impact of IoT on services will be significant. As such, the importance of the study on service workflow in IoT has increased as it can better address the industrial informatics characteristics that involve with services and possibly provide a framework that will foster the development of formal models for service systems in IoT.