I. Data/results and Discussion
Table I reports a summary of the dc characteristics of the analyzed samples. The devices with higher aluminum concentration in the cap were found to have comparable dc current (1.09 A/mm for %Al=46, compared to 0.83 A/mm for %Al=22) and, transconductance (0.54 S/mm for %Al=46, compared to 0.40 A/mm for %Al=22), but with a significantly lower gate leakage at high drain bias, i.e. in a bias point that can favor charge trapping. Median leakage was found to be 9 µA/mm for %Al=46, compared to nearly 70 for %Al=22, measured at and V. A clear view of the difference in gate leakage is shown in Figure 2.
Gate leakage current measured at and V for devices with different al concentrations in the cap layer. Median leakage was found to be 9µa/mm for %al=46, compared to nearly 70 µa/ mm for %al=22
Average value of drain saturation current and transconductance for devices with the three different percentages of aluminum.Al % | IDs(A/mm) @ VDS= 7 V, VGS= -1 V (Mean Value) | gm_max(S/mm) @ VDS= 5 V (Mean Value) |
46 | 1.09± 0.1 | 0.54± 0.05 |
34 | 0.88± 0.03 | 0.417± 0.007 |
22 | 0.83± 0.03 | 0.40± 0.02 |