I. Introduction
Proper sitting posture refers to the position in which natural spinal curvature and arm, shoulder, hip, and knee position are properly maintained and aligned. Incorrect posture gradually decreases the flexibility of the spine causing pain in neck, shoulder and back. Furthermore, incorrect sitting posture has detrimental effects on digestion and respiration. Back pain is recognized as a common health issue and 75-85% of adults deal with back pain at least once in their lifetime [1]. In 2016, low back pain and neck pain combinedly were the 4th leading cause of disability-adjusted life year (DALY) globally [2]. The World Health Organization (WHO) reported that 9.5 million people in South-East Asia were affected by back and neck pain. A descriptive cross-sectional study conducted among school teachers from different school in Dhaka showed 46% of school respondents have reported lower back pain [3]. Lack of knowledge of correct posture is assumed to be the primary cause of backache, yet a study that 60.8% of physiotherapists in Bangladesh have low back pain [4]. A cross-sectional study on Ready-Made Garment employees (RMG) of Bangladesh have reported 24.7% of female worker respondents had lower back pain and 23.% of female worker respondents had neck pain [5]. As many people spend most of the time sitting down in the workplace or home, bad alignment of sitting causes several problems such as bad support on muscles, ligaments, tendons and unhealthy spine [6].