I. Introduction
Increase in industrialization, smart cities, increase in traffic and larger energy consumption had resulted in tremendous air pollution. The air consists of hazardous pollutants like Sulphur dioxide SO2, Nitrogen dioxide NO2, Carbon monoxide CO, Ozone O3, and Particulate Matters PM2:5 and PM10 which are originated from various sources. These pollutants have many health hazards, hence air pollution is recognized as a crucial factor. Hence, by predicting air pollution in advance can have certain advantages which includes preparedness & policy formation for management and control in fields which directly or indirectly depends on air pollution. Therefore, there is increasing demand for air quality forecasting. Traditional approaches involve various statistical approaches that demand a great amount of computer resources. Recently due to advancement in computational power various novel approaches for prediction of air quality have been initiated. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is one of such approaches that produce state of art results for classification and prediction. Recently the neural networks are used for power quality disturbance detection and classification [1], neural network is also used for various applications of medical as well as different engineering fields [2].