I. Introduction
Recent years have witnessed the exploding growth of the deployment of The Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) [1] due to their adaptability, easy installation, low maintenance, and operating costs. The use of UAVs affords new ways for diverse context such as civilian [2], military [3], environmental, agriculture [4]–[5], smart transportation [6]–[7], disaster monitoring [8], and telecommunication systems [9]–[10]. The diversity of UAVs applications [11] pinpoints the importance of UAVs and the necessity to secure UAVs based solutions. This widespread of UAVs application accompanied with research activities increase to provide more utility and to resolve UAVs related challenges. Diverse architectures could be considered providing communication links between UAVs and GCS. Figure 1, highlights UAVs architectures. In general, UAVs are remotely controlled via messages sent from a Ground Control Station (GCS) using MAVLink (Micro Air Vehicle Link) [12] protocol that offers powerful features for monitoring and controlling UAVs missions. The majority of autopilot systems mainly ArduPilot and PX4 integrate MAVLink. However, this protocol designed without any attention to the security and the availability challenges. Accordingly, several contributions proposed to enhance the security of the MAVLink protocol. In this context, the main contribution of this paper is to propose MAV-DTLS to prevent MAVLink from some attacks.