I. Introduction
During the last decade, many efforts have been devoted to find microwave applications that encompass low loss and magnetic materials. However, naturally occurring magnetic materials loose their magnetic properties at high frequencies, which leads to the development of engineered magnetic material. Many methods have been studied to maximize the effect of magnetism in order to obtain the high permeability. In [1], the author proposed a new magnetic particle called metasolenoid. The chosen Swiss roll shape can address the issues of effective magnetism that vanishes quickly and then increases the packing density in interaction with external magnetic fields. Furthermore, the isotropic magnetic resonator formed by the split-ring was presented in [2], which has the high independent magnetic responses to every main illumination plane. In terms of the antenna applications, the relatively high permeability materials can reduce the magnetic-electric imbalance, resulting in improved bandwidth and efficiencies of antenna particularly when [3]. Another benefit of the AMM has been presented in [4] [5] with implementing the miniaturised microstrip antenna. However, not much literature is available that explain magnetic based array antenna, except the one in [6] that have proposed AMM surface to minimize array antenna for satellite based AIS system.