I. Introduction
To reduce the cost of the induction motor and improve the reliability, some key technologies of sensorless control strategy have been developed for induction motor [1]–[3]. One of the essential methods is estimating the motor position and speed to feedback the closed-loop speed control, in which the state and observation system is a highly nonlinear model. One of the popular technologies for motor speed sensorless control is the nonlinear Kalman filtering (KF) class, which includes the extended Kalman filter (EKF), unscented Kalman filter (UKF), cubature Kalman filter (CKF), rank Kalman filter (RKF), ensemble Kalman filter and particle filter [4]–[7]. Kim et al. first used the EKF to obtain the state estimations in the speed sensorless vector control [8], and then many variants of the EKF are successfully applied in several sensorless AC drives [2], [9]-[10]. However, the EKF algorithm approximates the nonlinear function by using the Taylor series and ignoring the higher-order term. The linearization of the motor models will bring unexpected biases and decrease estimation accuracy. Then, some deterministic sample methods, such as UKF, CKF and RKF, are proposed to approximate the probability density function by using the propagation of sigma points [4], [6] and achieve higher accuracy in motor speed estimation [1], [11]-[13].