I. Introduction
Mashups are a new type of Web application that leverages contents coming from different data sources to create completely new and innovative services. Web APIs (also called services in this paper) with different functionality can be composed to generate novel and value-added services. Mashuping Web APIs makes the application creation easier to developers. And Mashup applications have well scalability due to the composition way. Inspired by the advantages of Mashup technology and the economic benefits of Mashups, some Mashup tools or platforms have emerged on the Internet, such as WireCloud
, Linked Widgetshttp://linkedwidgets.org/
, and ProgrammableWebhttps://www.programmableweb.com/
. These tools or platforms accelerate the prevalence of Mashup applications for the low barriers to access and develop. As a result, a large number of Web APIs and Mashup applications are released on the Internet. Take ProgrammableWeb platform as an example, until 2019, there are more than 20,000 services and more than 7,900 Mashups, and the number continues to grow. In such a huge number of APIs on the Web, how to identify suitable APIs for Mashup creation becomes a hot and challenging issue.