I. Introduction
Fossil fuels are one of the valuable national wealth of countries. Maladjusted utilization of these resources has caused rapid depletion of them as well as undesirable effects like global warming on the environment. On the other hand, increasing energy demand due to population growth and industrialization of cities jeopardize supplying secure and continuous energy. Hence, providing sustainable, reliable, highly efficient, and cost-effective energy has become one of the main concerns in the energy field. Recently, a new concept called multiple energy systems has been introduced at the aim of proposing solutions for the above-mentioned challenges related to the energy field [1]. The energy hub is one of the developed structures of multiple energy systems that provides facilities such as combining, storing, and converting different types of energy carriers. Due to environmental benefits and affordable energy production, renewable energy resources have gained significant attention, however, their inherent volatility has raised concerns about integration of them to energy hub systems [2]. One of the best solutions to offset renewable resources variability is the utilization of electrical energy storage technologies in the structure of hub-based energy systems. Moreover, high operational Flexibility and efficiency are other advantages of electrical storage devices that can excel the performance of energy hub systems economically [3].