1. Introduction
A point cloud (PC) consists on an unordered set of 3D points, represented by their (x, y, z) coordinates, which are referred to as the geometry. Although this paper focuses on geometry, other attributes may be associated to the points of a PC, notably including colors, normal vectors and reflectance. Since a realistic PC involves a very large number of points, efficient PC compression is a must for transmission and storage to become affordable. However, this type of visual data offers new challenges when compared to traditional image and video, notably the lack of a regular structure and its sparsity, i.e. several more empty voxels than filled. Acknowledging the emerging importance of PC coding, MPEG is in the process of finalizing two PC coding (PCC) standards, known as Geometry based Point Cloud Compression (G-PCC), for static PCs, and Video based Point Cloud Compression (V-PCC), for dynamic PCs [1].