I. Introduction
Cancer is considered to be one of the most fatal ailments and a recent statistical study conducted in United States [1] has rated cancer as the second major cause of death. The cells of human body naturally age, die and get replaced by new cells. In some cases, the cells tend to grow abnormally and form a mass generally referred as tumor. The breast cancer tumors can be classified into two types; cancerous (malignant) and non-cancerous (benign). The non-cancerous tumors do not affect nearby organs and tissues, whereas the cancerous tumors are capable to spread out into various organs and tissues. The common organs for origination of cancer include breasts, lungs, skin, etc. A global statistical report of cancer affected cases from 185 countries has been presented by International Agency for Research [2]. It shows that among various types of cancers, female breast cancer is one of the commonly diagnosed cancers with 11.6% cases out of total observations and is also the leading cause of death in females. Hence, in order to reduce the mortality rate due to breast cancer, it is of prime importance to acquire an early and accurate diagnosis accompanied with immediate medical treatment.