I. Introduction
In the current scenario, Sensor Cloud (SC) is a new trend to address the limitations of the Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) and it combines two technologies WSN and Cloud Computing (CC) to grow up still larger than present context. The major issues of WSN are node deployment, energy, bandwidth, routing, QoS, storage and security requirements [1]. The energy consumption is a major issue in WSN and lots of research is going on to minimize the energy consumption as low as possible. The battery energy is drained by many factors like transmission, reception, sensing, amplification and aggregation of information. Several studies have been conceded to construct energy efficient WSN [2], [3], [4]. Energy efficient WSN improves network lifetime and its efficiency. CC on the other side is information storage and computational platform to provide seamless services to the users anywhere and anytime. CC can greatly enhance WSN's storage and processing capabilities with great extent. The combination of WSN and CC can also be called as SC, it not only helps to store information but also increases the lifetime of the sensor network which is not possible with conventional WSN. SC is used to improve the system as a whole, such as information collection, access, processing and storage [5], [6]. SC can be used in many applications such as medical applications, military applications, traffic analysis, industrial monitoring, agriculture applications etc [7]. Some of the important issues in SC are load balancing, energy management, security, fault tolerance, routing, network management and authorization.