I. Introduction
For drive inverters with low switching frequency, in order to eliminate undesirable subharmonics in spectra of its voltage and current, it is necessary to provide synchronization of voltage waveforms of inverters [1], [2]. During the last decades, novel method of synchronous space-vector PWM for drive inverters has been elaborated based on new approach for determination of the pulse patterns [3], [4]. It allows ensuring synchronization and symmetry of voltage waveforms of inverters both with integral and fractional ratio between the switching frequency and fundamental frequency of inverters. Also, special attention has been paid to analysis of overmodulation control modes of PWM inverters and drives [5] –[22]. Overmodulation regimes are ones of the most complicated control modes of converters and drives. So, this paper presents short review of methods and techniques of synchronous PWM, developed and modified for overmodulation control of some basic topologies of inverters.