I. Introduction
With the increasing population in the current era of globalization, the potential for data growth is also increasing. With the growth of these data, the business world is formed, information technology is also demanded to develop and innovate so that it can run following the progress of the business world including data exchange and management of information on an increasingly complex Client-Server. The problem that occurs is the data on Information Systems in a main company and clients for business branches, especially for restaurant applications. In research applications in the client billing are still stored only in each local database, making it difficult to process and develop into the Web Content of Information System integrated so that information management, data exchange until making management of two databases is still very limited. In addition to the limited management of information, the security of the data storage is also mandatory. So from the description, to overcome data exchange, management and security in each Web Content of Information System, then design a web service database storage using the RESTful API architecture. The design and integrated database system is Data Synchronization of the main company and client information system in the form of a POS (Point of Sales) application of 5 Bill Resto Information Systems as a Master Database Web Service. Second, data exchange is secured using the JSON Web Token (JWT) security access HS256 algorithm with a static data retrieval method. Data exchange mechanism that occurs is, where in general the RESTful API architecture. There are two Server and Client applications to serve embedded database data exchange in 5 Client Information Systems as Servers and 1 Information System as Server Systems for a Main Company.