I. Introduction
Many higher order sliding mode control (HOSMC) algorithms exist in contemporary literature for control of nonlinear systems with bounded uncertainty. These algorithms are robust, they preserve the insensitivity of classical sliding mode, and maintain the performance characteristics of the closed loop system. Levant for example, has presented a method of designing arbitrary order sliding mode controllers for single input single output (SISO) systems in [1]. Laghrouche et al. [2] have proposed a two part integral sliding mode-based control to deal with the finite time stabilization problem and uncertainty rejection problem separately. Dinuzzo et al. have proposed another method in [3], where the problem of HOSMC has been treated as Robust Fuller's problem. Defoort et al. [4] have developed a robust multiinput multioutput HOSMC controller, using a constructive algorithm with weighted homogeneity-based finite time stabilization of an integrator chain. Sliding mode with homogeneity approach was also used in [5] and [6], to demonstrate finite time stabilization of the arbitrary order sliding mode controllers for SISO systems [1] . A Lyapunov-based approach for arbitrary HOSMC controller design was presented in [7] and [8]. In this paper, it was shown that a class of homogeneous controllers that satisfies certain conditions, could be used to stabilize perturbed integrator chains.