I. Introduction
The next generation wireless networks aim to support massive number of users with faster data rate and higher data quality. In order to achieve this vision, power allocation in next-generation wireless networks is one of the critical issues. However, it is challenging to adjust the wireless transmitter's power for satisfying individual communication connection's Quality of Service (QoS) under uncertain channel fading, user mobility, and large number of wireless connections. A balance must be achieved for the tradeoff between the desire for users maximizing their individual QoS and the need for minimizing interference to other users. Furthermore, because of the mobility and self-organizing features in mobile ad hoc network (MANET) at tactical edge and environmental uncertainties in the battlefield, many existing optimal power allocation algorithms are neither efficient nor practical. Therefore, a new type of decentralized intelligent dynamic power allocation is needed.
Proposed design for MANET in IoBT at tactical edge