I. Introduction
At present, numerous methods of calculation of the lightning performance are available: with the use of the EMTP programs (ATPdraw, RV) [1,2,3,4], 2D and 3D simulation in the FEM programs [5], by the Monte Carlo method [6], leader distribution model [7] and other. Most of them are labor-intensive, requiring competence in using specialized programs, and are individual for each specific line. These methods strive to describe the lightning phenomenon and its impact on the line as precisely as possible. As a result, this should demonstrate the annual number of outages of the specific line from lightning strikes. Practically, such accuracy is not important for the line operating companies, all the more so that the number of outages mostly depends on the lightning activity in the region that may change from year to year. The operating companies should know the way to increase the line lightning performance with the maximum efficiency and the minimum expenses without resort to complex calculations, composition of large line circuits and models.