I. Introduction
The continuous-time sigma-delta modulator (CTSDM) is widely used in wireless communication systems [1]–[4]. With a CTSDM followed by a digital decimator, a CTSD analog-to-digital converter (ADC) can be implemented. Compared with a discrete-time (DT) ADC, the CTSDM implementation relaxes the design requirement of the front-end driver and anti-alias filter due to its easily-driven resistive impedance and inherent anti-alias feature. A relatively high resolution within wide signal bandwidth (BW) (MHz) can be achieved in the CTSDM, thanks to the noise-shaping and oversampling properties and the relaxed settling requirement. Recently, the CTSDM has become more favored in a multimode wireless communication system [4]–[9], e.g., 2/3/4/5G reconfigurable receiver.