I. Introduction
Dwindling conventional energy resources and Ever increasing energy demand has created a huge gap betweem energy demand and supply.Energy scaracity and rising pollution levels worldwide have forced the researchers to look for options for a green energy production. Agriculture is the backbone of Indian economy. Reliable irrigation is so critical to farmer’s livelihood that app. 25 million grid connected and diesel powered pump systems have been installed till date. Replacing these with Solar powered pumps will reduce air pollution, release of green house emissions and help in reducing energy scaracity. For developing countries like India, cost of the overall system plays a huge role in its practical feasibilty. Using plastic or metal tank for water storage purpose insted of using batteries for power storage [2] can help to reduce the cost of the Solar water pump.D.C. motors for Solar water pumps are most cost effective as PV modules produce d.c. which can be directly used by d.c. motors. But,A.C. motors require an inverter which adds to the cost of the whole system [3]. Dynamic performance and efficiency of PMDC motor is better than A.C. motor [4]. PV pumping system reduces the Net Present Cost (NPC) of the system due to low operation & maintenance cost [8]. Water conservation, water saving technology and precision farming can be used to improve the water use efficiency. Different irrigation techniques like drip irrigation [5] makes it further cost effective. Solar water pump gives better performance at MPPT point [6], but, variation in solar radiation makes the efficiency of pump dependent on motor parameters [7].