I. Introduction
Bias is a quantitative term that describes the difference between the average of measurements made on the same object and its true value. A measurement process is biased if it systematically overstates or understates the true value of the measurement. The hermeneutical aspects of bias are specific to scientific fields. For example, in biomedical research studies at least 12 types of bias are identified [1], which have substantially different causes and properties than are found in biases for other types of research. From the definition of bias, it follows that the basic prerequisite for the correction of bias is the knowledge of a true value. The relationship between bias and the true value is somewhat circular: the removal of bias is required to infer the true value from measurements, but the knowledge of the true value is required to quantify the bias, which then makes the measurement itself obsolete. In practice, this circularity is overcome in two conceptually different ways: 1) comparing external measurement platforms or strategies that act as gold standards (e.g., [2]) or 2) using internal properties of the measured/sampled data (e.g., [3], [4]). The problem associated with the first approach is that alternative data sets (“gold standards”) are, at most, transiently coincident and collocated with the measurement and cannot guarantee unbiasedness outside the spatio-temporal comparison window.