I. Introduction
Capacitive touchscreens have been widely used in consumer electronic devices, e.g., smartphones, tablets, and even vehicles [1], [2]. Reliable touch operation becomes critical not only for usability but also for security. “Ghost Touch” has been reported in recent news, in which the touchscreen outputs fake touches and starts to control the smart device by itself yet the user does not impose any physical contacts on the screen at all [3], [4], [5], [6]. In one case [6], a charging smartphone was controlled by ghost touches and booked a presidential suite that cost more than a thousand dollars while the user was not aware of it. To the best of our knowledge, the phenomenon that controlled ghost touches appear on the charging devices has not been studied before, so it motivates us to dig into the trustworthiness of capacitive touchscreens under conducted EMI and their security implication on the victim devices.