1 Introduction
In 2013, the U.S. Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) director issued a memo directing U.S. federal agencies with more than 100 million U.S. Dollars in R&D expenditures to develop plans to make the results of federally funded research publicly available [3]. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) receives approximately 12 billion U.S. Dollars in R&D funding, resulting in over 50, 000 scientific and technical products annually. As a result, the DOE crafted a Public Access Plan in 2014 [2] committing to make DOE data and scholarly publications available through publicly accessible portals such as DOE PAGES
. Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), being a DOE laboratory, has various initiatives with an eye towards the status of research data management at the laboratory. To aid these efforts, the Research Library conducted interviews with LANL staff regarding their research data needs in 2015 [1]. By far the most common need cited by researchers was data storage. Several participants expressed variations of sentiments such as “Data is mostly stored on everyone's individual computer. I did set up a drive on the shared drive for us to at least share images and files. There is no long-term storage solution” [1]. Enhanced collaboration and security compliant infrastructure was also highly desired [1]. These results track closely to a similar survey done at LANL in 2011, making it apparent that data management needs remained consistent at LANL in terms of data storage, research collaboration, and research data dissemination.