I. Introduction
Support Vector Machines (SVM) [1] is a machine learning method that has many advantages over traditional machine learning methods, such as good generalization performance, strong sample learning ability, efficient model generalization performance and insensitive dimension. The SVM method itself is designed for the two-category problem. To extend it to solve the multi-class classification problem, it is necessary to transform the multi-class classification problem into several types of problems. The methods commonly used at present are: one-versus-one (OVO) [2], one-versus-all (OVA) [3], error-correcting output codes (ECOC) [4], Minimum Output Coding (MOC), etc. In the process of extending SVM from binary-class classification to multi-class classification, there are inseparable problems in the edge of high-dimensional feature space classification and data set skew. These problems have attracted extensive attention from relevant scholars in recent years.