In day today’s digital world the arena of fast and secure communications with peer network is playing a imperative role to conduct digital transaction more secure in contrary to various types of known and unknown attacks and the study of providing such a protected communication which is liable for this is termed as Cryptology. The primogenital methods to armor information are privacy are cryptology, steganography and watermarking. The key objective behind all of these approaches is to secure the data. With this objective the study of cryptology can be further alienated into two main areas; cryptography and cryptanalysis. Cryptography is the study of designing and developing encryption algorithms that meets certain design criteria and Cryptanalysis is the field of devising new methods to decipher the encrypted data. Cryptography can be categorized into two main categories, one is symmetric encryption algorithms which uses a single private key and the other is asymmetric encryption algorithm which uses two separate keys. Symmetric encryption algorithms can be implemented in two ways namely Block ciphers and Stream ciphers depending upon how the input data block is processed. Certain instances of block ciphers are implemented as Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Data Encryption Standard (DES), International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA) etc.