1. Introduction
However, the heat dissipation by the use of traditional method such as air cooling is difficult to maintain the temperature of system within the desired temperature limits, Because of poor thermal conductivity and the low heat capacity of gases. The conventional heat sinks have a limited amount of surface area as results of it conventional heat sinks can be larger in order to provide the desired convective surface area. Higher convective heat dissipation rate will be obtained with MCHS through the use of liquid coolant. The high convective rate of heat dissipation obtained from heat sink will overcome the problems related to the low thermal conductivity of air cooled system. There will be some problems related to the application of micro-channels in a practical application of heat sink, like micro-channels creates larger resistance to fluid flow due to small hydraulic diameter. The resistance can be maximized as the length increases in the fluid flow direction. Gases suddenly heat up & become less efficient in heat dissipation due to low heat capacity of them. This obstacle can be eliminated through the use of liquid in place of gases. Liquid cooled micro-channels heat sinks are very effective in high heat removal rate. The hydraulic diameter of channel can be reduced to obtain larger heat transfer coefficient. The effectiveness of liquid cooled heat sinks depends upon the convection occurred in the fluids and conduction occurred in the solids. The convection is considered as an important factor for reducing the thermal resistance, when the heat sink is manufactured by highly thermal conductive material. Hee Sung Park (2008) studied the factor related to friction and heat dissipated in number of micro-channels with uniform flow of heat dissipation. The work done in this research has been considered the laminar flow of fluid within channels having hydraulic diameter varies 106 µm - 307µm and considered liquid flow within the channels. The value of Reynolds number was taken 69 - 800. The friction factor obtained from experimental results was explained that the traditional theories for fluid flow will be applied into this study. The constant heat dissipation and the value of Nusselt number for the micro-channel were also calculated in this work. It was found that there will be deviations between the practical and theoretical heat dissipation rate in micro-channels, to calculate the accurate rate of heat dissipation an mathematical relations were provided by the researchers for this type of work in term of Nµ/Re0.6Pr0.3 and the value of Brinkman number will confined to the practical work. Omar Mokrani at all (2009) analyzed the flow of fluid and convective dissipation of heat through the use of micro-channels. In this research work the micro-channel having rectangular cross-section and highest value width to depth ratio has been analyzed. The main motive was to make it feasible to change the hydraulic diameter of micro-channel. The friction factor coefficient was estimated through the help of directly pressure drop measurement inside of the micro-channels, where the flow of fluid was considered as completely confined flow. From this study the thermal and hydraulic results has been concluded by changing the hydraulic diameter 1 mm to 100 µm of micro-channel. It was found that for plane wall the continuum mechanism rule for convective heat dissipation and flow of fluid remains applicable in the micro-channel will having hydraulic diameter greater than 100 µm. Liu Y. at all (2011) numerically studied the dissipation of heat performance of micro-channels having different properties of surface structure. In this study convective heat transfer was studied with the help of CFD & lattice Boltzmann (LB) techniques. The result of both of these approaches were validated with each other and through the experiential results provided by the various researchers, and it was described that both of these methods will be well defended for flow of fluid through the micro-channels. From this research it was found that during the flow of fluid the rise in temperature will intensively promotional to the direction of fluid in inlet port. It was clear from the results that the grooves of shielded type of micro-channel possess the highest heat dissipation capacity. It found was that the coordination between the temperature and velocity will results in different heat dissipation capacity for micro-channel having different parameters. Sui Y. at all (2010) analyzed the flow of water and dissipation of heat in three dimensional wavy micro-channels having rectangular geometry. It was found that when the cooling fluid moved through the wavy micro-channels, then the secondary flow will be achieved. From this research it was concluded that the dissipation of heat capacity of present micro-channels will better than that of other micro-channels having the same dimensional consideration, and the difference of pressure was much lowest than that of other channels. The relative waviness is provided in order to get the hot spot mitigation purpose. Sir-Jia Jian and Meng-Ju Lin (2006) investigated the effects of four different cross-sections shapes of micro-channel on friction factor. In this study it was found that the friction factor will be depends upon the shape of cross-section