I. Introduction
One of the most important aspect of ITS [1] is maintaining of freshness [2] [3] between the time that the data are generated by vehicle on a road and the time at which it is available to the user as a response. Roadways are mainly used for transportation of people and in recent times they are equipped with intelligent devices [1] [6]. Using this trend, wireless sensor networks can be deployed onto the road networks in order to enhance safety of driver and mobility of the vehicles. Large efficient Vanets are developed in recent times to improve road traffic efficiency and to reduce negative impact on environment. Computing shortest path on road is achieved by Dijkstra algorithm which is effectively used in Googlemaps [5]. The road network considered here needs to be transformed as effective sensor network to compute various network parameters. Routing schemes [4] [5] help in analyzing the parameters linked with the road network. Vanet architectures [4] [6] are used with security being the main concern [4]. A sensor network should possess low energy consumption, low delay, low cost, high bandwidth, greater lifetime as main characteristics. Hence this motivates to design a well-planned road network for considerably reduced traffic and traffic hazards. A sensor network equivalent to it will give a clear idea on how the network may behave. Multi attribute decision making technique involves pre-decision stage, mid decision stage, post-decision stage, final decision stage [25].