I. Introduction
In the last ten years, researches have been actively conducted relating to identification and prevention of civil UAV collisions in a common aviation area [1]–[4]. Mahjri [5] notices that collision avoidance systems shall contain subsystems of dynamic threat acquisition; path detection and approximation; selection and execution of collision avoidance maneuvers. Acquisition can be implemented by corporate [6], [7] and unincorporated systems [8]. Unincorporated (radars [7], lidars [9], video detection [10], etc.) systems require significant resources for implementation: material, computational and financing as a consequence. Due to this reason, many researchers [6], [7] have paid attention to corporate solutions. By corporate solutions is meant getting coordinates from dynamic objects located in UAVIS potentially dangerous area using different communication channels. As a rule, coordinates are obtained from GPS or GLONASS as the values of coordinates from inertial systems may include a significant error. For implementing communication channels different transceivers [7] can be used; the most demanded ones are systems of automatic dependent surveillance broadcast (ADS-B). ADS-B systems actively used in “big” aviation gradually intrudes into the fleet of UAVs (e.g. Ping2020 ADS-B). However, criticism is growing over ADS-B in view of unguardedness from unapproved entry and usage. Instead of ADS-B, new solutions appear based on self organizing aerial networks in which the system of keys provides complete identity verification of radio messages; impossibility of interception, falsification, damage or other unauthorized actions. Corporate solutions allow detecting and recognizing trajectories of threats, but the tasks of trajectories approximation and the selection of collision avoidance maneuver remains unsolved. The field of these tasks is broad enough and shall consider many factors as to: dimensions of considered solution space; the complexity of curves; the reaction of a foe to friend's maneuvers; UAV maneuvrability constraints in the process of maneuver selection, etc.