I. Introduction
The security and privacy of the medical image transmission are one of the critical issues that must be addressed seriously in Telecare Medical Information Systems (TMIS). Image-data transmission from one location to another through an insecure network is usually characterized in terms of privacy, authenticity, integrity and confidentiality. Therefore, more importance must be given to the security of the sensitive data containing in the medical images DICOM. In this context, many solutions are proposed in the literature to overcome this problem using various cryptographic primitives. Recently, Mohamed et al. [1] proposed a chaotic approach based on the 2D-logistic maps, combined with two generators, namely a Linear Congruential Generator (LCG) and Xor Shift Generator (XSG) to produce confusion and diffusion sequences. In 2017, Dolendro et al. [2] suggested to encrypt the medical images by using ElGamal elliptic curves encryption with an efficient way to thwart the stage of data encoding on the used curve.