I. Introduction
Differences in the current-voltage characteristics of photovoltaic (PV) modules connected in series and parallel combinations lead to a loss in the system level power referred to as “electrical mismatch”. The electrical mismatch has been studied in literature [1]–[5] primarily by using one of two methods: (1) synthesizing system level current-voltage (I-V) curves by progressively summing I-V curves of PV modules in series-parallel combinations, as per the system design requirements; and (2) estimating electrical mismatch loss in PV systems composed of modules with known or statistically generated characteristics, as per Bucciarelli etal [1], as summarized by Webber et. al [6]. For a PV system composed of newly fabricated cells, the system level electrical mismatch losses are estimated to be less than 0.01% [5] using Bucciarelli's model. For 1MW PV array mismatch loss is % Kaplanet. al [7]. MacAlpine et. al [8] suggest the commonly used mismatch loss figure of 1-2% should have adequate accuracy for most simulations. With such a wide range of mismatch loss figures found in the literature, we find there is a need for a method to quickly estimate case specific (system size, PV module type, binning size) mismatch loss from the manufacturer flash test dataset for accurate modeling of PV systems energy production.