I. Introduction
Device variability has become a serious concern for analog and digital circuit designers. Time-dependent variability (TDV) effects like Hot Carrier Injection (HCI) [1] and Bias Temperature Instability (BTI) [2] in NMOS (PBTI) and PMOS (NBTI) transistors add up to the omnipresent time-zero process variations. TDV phenomena have been included in some commercial reliability circuit simulators, e.g., [3]; most of them rely on deterministic models. However, the stochastic behavior of TDV phenomena requires that deterministic models are replaced by stochastic models. Recently, the Probabilistic Defect Occupancy (PDO) model, which considers the stochastic HCI and BTI effects and estimates the transistor degradation as the sum of a permanent and a recovery component, has been developed [4]. Obviously, the models have to be completed with the characterization of aging phenomena at the device level. To that end, device arrays have been frequently used [5].