I. Introduction
Sensors and actuators are facing technology advancement in pervasive sensing infrastructure in term of low cost, low power and affordable but high performance sensors. Difference types of sensors have different functions and applications. There are wearable sensors, ambient sensors and vision-based sensor such as video camera and camera that use for human activity recognition. The selection of the sensor type plays an important role so that the implementation is accepted and practical by the resident. Nowadays, most of elderly adult prefer to stay at own home rather than rehabilitation center. They are seems independent to do their activities of daily living (ADL). However, there is a need to monitor their activities from distance by their children, caregiver or nurse. Therefore, the selection of sensor is significant to consider because elderly adult are naturally weak, senile and sometimes reluctant to wear if they are given wearable sensor to carry around every day. This indication of strongly emphasize that the ambient sensor is the most appropriate sensor selection to install within their smart home environment.
Sensor and contact layer to infer resident activity.