I. Introduction
The rationality of using Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) nodes are constrained due to fear of intruders and limited resources. There are other factors that tend to complicate the use of security algorithms which includes: limited communication range, limited energy, deployment issues and high cost of sensor nodes. According to the authors in [1], the lightweight computational nodes that are deployed in Wireless Sensor Systems (WSS) create challenges for many current security applications. This research investigates an improved key management technique (KMT) with an ant colony optimization (ACO) for the path planning of the wireless sensor network nodes security. This improved enhanced security application is aimed at developing a network that has an efficient and flexible ACO and KMT distribution scheme secured enough to prevent an intruder tracing sensor node path through node communication, with more direct role to prevent algorithmic complexity and denial of service attacks while conserving energy [1] [3]. A re-evaluation of ACO based KMT was implemented. The purpose of the improved KMT with ACO was to design an appropriate route that connects the starting point and ending point of the environment with Intruders. Ant colony algorithm, which was used to deceive the intruders in the path planning initialization also improve and safeguard the data collection from the base station to the nodes and vice versa. The idea allowed the non-uniform distribution of KMT with the initial pheromone. The selection strategy uses a direction that played a very positive role in the path search deceiving the intruders while introducing the actual coverage and updating strategy of pheromone repeatedly in false search. What happened during the implementation was it reduces the effect of the intruder's intention to disrupt the communication network. In addition, the pheromone disappearance coefficient is segmented and adjusted, which effectively balance the convergence speed and communication of the sensor nodes allowing a secured pre-allocation and distribution of keys by every single node in the network. The node carries a piece of data that would be generating a pairwise key with every other node in the network uninterrupted. The ACO based KMT was implemented differently using Matlab and Contiki operating system due to its advantages of multi-threading. The resultant ACO pairwise key generated with a piece of data will in the future be used for generating an Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)-encrypted pairwise key with every other node in the network maintaining scalability and security flexibility.