I. Introduction
The dynamic modulus of bituminous mixes (wearing and binder course) is the most important parameter used in the prediction of load-deformation behavior of bituminous pavements under vehicular loading conditions [1]. It has also been observed that dynamic modulus of bituminous mix significantly affect distress parameters, including fatigue, cracking and rutting, in flexible pavements [2]–[5]. Evaluating dynamic modulus of a bituminous mix through laboratory investigation is tedious, time consuming, requires sophisticated instrumentation and involves complex computations [1]. Dynamic modulus of bituminous mix depends upon the properties of mix including type and quantity of binder, temperature range and loading frequency [6]–[12]. As exact relationship between dynamic modulus and each of these affecting factors is not well defined, therefore it is likely that use of finite element method (FEM), artificial neural network (ANN), regression models and other soft computing techniques may be useful in estimating value of dynamic modulus of bituminous mixes [13], [14], [7], [8], [15].